Implant Surgery
We provide comprehensive medical and surgical services
Dental implant surgery is a procedure that replaces tooth roots with metal, screw-like posts and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function much like real ones. Dental implant surgery can offer a welcome alternative to dentures or bridgework that doesn't fit well.
How dental implant surgery is performed depends on the type of implant and the condition of your jawbone. But all dental implant surgery occurs in stages and may involve several procedures. The major benefit of implants is solid support for your new teeth — a process that requires the bone to heal tightly around the implant. Because this healing requires time, the process can take many months.
Implant Surgery can help patients by the following effects:
• Improved appearance.
• Improved speech.
• Improved comfort.
• Easier eating.
Importanr Information
Dental implant surgery can take some time to complete. However, your dentist will do everything he or she can to ensure that your appearance and ability to eat and speak are affected as little as possible during your treatment. He or she will give you a written summary before your treatment starts, outlining an estimated schedule for your individual treatment plan.
It’s very important that you have good dental hygiene if you have implants. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is a key factor in the success of your treatment.

Take care of your teeth
Do you need them??Here's how you and your children can have healthy teeth and keep trips to the dentist to a minimum:
• Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
• A healthy lifestyle is good for your whole body, including your teeth, gums and mouth.
• Help your child have healthy teeth for life by establishing a good dental health routine.
• It's important to have regular check-ups with your dentist.

Teeth Facts
It is importantMilk teeth
Babies' have a full set of 20 milk or baby teeth by the time they're three years old. When they reach five or six, these teeth will start to fall out, making way for adult teeth.
Adult teeth
There are 32 adult teeth in total, 12 more than in the baby set. The last four of these, called wisdom teeth, usually emerge later than the others, generally between the ages of 17 and 21.